Big Lunch
Sunday June 1st 2014
Friends of Spencer Park organised the Big Lunch in Spencer Park. A good time was had by all and the weather was kind to us. ChIldren enjoyed the tennis, the egg and spoon race and other activities. The bowling was popular with adults. Our thanks go to Karen Berry for organising the day, to the Woodcraft Folk for running parachute games and to all those who helped out. It was good to see so many families enjoying the park.
Earlsdon Festival
Monday May 5th 2014
We had a stall at the Earlsdon Festival on Bank Holiday Monday selling plants and children’s books. The tombola was very popular.
Tennis and Bowls taster sessions
Saturday May 3rd 2014
In the morning children and adults cleared lots of weeds in the garden which is maturing well and looking good. In the afternoon Inspire2Coach led free tennis coaching sessions and the Albany Crown Green bowling team ran free 30 minute bowling sessions which proved very popular and introduced 20 new players to crown bowls (see Albany Crown Green bowling club Facebook pages).
Snowdrop planting
Tuesday April 24th 2014
A group of volunteers planted snowdrop bulbs on the Recreation Ground.
Cowslip planting
Tuesday April 15th 2014
Children and adults planted cowslips in the park. The children also participated in a very successful Easter egg hunt using clues around the park (see picture on the Friends of Spencer Park Facebook page).
Build a bug hotel
Friday February 21st 2014
A group of young children constructed a bug hotel under the supervision of the Ranger Trevor Robinson.
Family Fun in the Park
Saturday Sept 7th 2013
Young children and their parents and grandparents who attended the activities and games organized by the Friends of Spencer Park had a very enjoyable afternoon. The activities were run by young people from the Real Challenge Project and included face painting, hook a duck, chucking wet sponges at the victim in the stocks and splatting the rat. There was also a tombola and a cake stall. Pru Poretta and Kushmika Chatterjee told dramatic stories which enthralled their audience. The afternoon’s activities provided a focus for children and adults to meet neighbours and friends in the community. It was great to see so many local people using the park. It also gave us an opportunity to consult with children about their preferences for a play area and to inform everyone about the progress of our funding bids. The face painting was a great hit!
Big Lunch
Saturday June 2nd 2013
A good time was had by all at the Big Lunch in Spencer Park, organised by NENA and the Friends of Spencer Park. There were plenty of activities for adults and children and the lovely weather certainly helped!

This was one of a number of similar events across the area. the Coventry Evening Telegraph has some good photo coverage of the Spencer Park Big Lunch. Click here to link to their photos and see if you can spot yourself at the event!
We were able to carry on out consultation with users of the park to find out how they feel it could be improved. Representatives will be at their stall at the Bands in The Park on Sunday 30th June 1.30 – 3.00 pm to hear your views.