The Pavilion

Our plans for the pavilion

For a number of years, the Friends of Spencer Park have been working on plans to refurbish the Edwardian pavilion in the centre of Spencer Park. The Friends group have now signed the lease to take over the building from Coventry City Council and have raised sufficient funds to start work on the renovations.

It is hoped that the renovations will be completed by late summer 2025. Check out Facebook for regular updates of the progress.

An overview of the plans

The plan is to open up the interior of the building to create a large community space, a modern café and new toilets. The interior space could also be used to house exhibitions showcasing local heritage projects and the work of artists from the local area.

The space will be used as a café in the daytime, but will be available for children’s parties from 4pm to 6pm and for community groups from 7pm to 9pm.

Artists’ impression of the café interior

We have produced many documents as our plans have progressed, these include:

We have obtained funding from various funding bodies including: Community Ownership Fund, Garfield Weston Foundation, Community Fund, Veolia Environmental Trust, Landfill Communities Fund, Coventry City Council, The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust and the support of many local residents and park users.

If you would like more detail, please contact Peter Elias ( who is coordinating the efforts being made by the Friends of Spencer Park.