What we do

Currently, the Friends of Spencer Park organise activities within three areas:

Events and fundraising

We raise funds by organising events and contacting local agencies, businesses and charities that might support the work we do.

Use of the Pavilion

It has always been the aim of the Friends of Spencer Park to renovate the pavilion for use as a community cafe, a children’s party venue, an exhibition space and community hub. In March 2025, work will begin to start these renovations after several years of fundraising by the Friends group. We are hoping that the works will be completed by late summer 2025. Go to the ‘Pavilion’ tab in the main menu for more information.


The Friends of Spencer Park relies on volunteers to help maintain the gardens.  We publish dates when we would like people to join us for light or heavy gardening tasks.   Read more about this here.  For dates of the next gardening group, see events.

Did you think that all bluebells are the same?  Find out more here about a non native variety that is threatening the native bluebells in the park.  You can also read more via a link in the Guardian newspaper and click here to find out how to identify different species of bluebells.


We have been working for a number of years to improve recreational facilities in the park and the recreation ground including: the play equipment, the playground marking, the erection of a goalpost on the recreation ground, the continual maintenance of the bowling (flat) green, and the formation of the Community Tennis Club.

Friends of Spencer Park – Registered Charity No.1176323









